He is one of the founding members of Hdemo Network, a technical and strategic consulting company founded in Treviso in 1995. Over the years it has provided many thousands of hours of training on the most well-known software applications for the graphic industry and collaborates with the main graphical bodies and schools in the North-East. He is an expert of the Court of Venice and collaborates with the main courts of Veneto as CTU and CTP. He is co-author of the book "The Color in the Press" published by ialweb.it.
Un team di fisici teorici dell’Università di Trento ha mostrato come sia possibile utilizzare i computer quantistici per simulare processi di grande rilevanza biologica.
Il GSC report, creato dal team Data Engineering di HDEMO, prevede l’analisi delle KPI più importanti e vi aiuta a ottimizzare costantemente il sito web per attrarre sempre più traffico.